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Book Details

LEICESTERSHIRE TUDOR WILLS.. A brief note of all the lands given by will between 31 December 1566 and 25 June 1569 extracted from the books of wills made in Warwickshire at the request of Sir Thomas Benger, by virtue of the queen's patent, 'written with the hands of the officers of the court for that provided', [blank] October 1571, giving details of 14 wills including the testator's name and parish, the date of the will, a description of the land and the details of the bequest.1571

 Filio (320 x 210 mm), 4 pages on laid paper with separate docketed bifolium, some old soiling, dampstaining and a little fraying, a few minor losses of lettering in side-notes but otherwise complete and with no loss of sense. Despite the heading, all 14 wills were made by testators living in Leicestershire. Before 1858, wills of inhabitants of the county were proved either in the court of Archdeacon of Leicester or (for estates in more than one probate jurisdiction) in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

Stock #40939

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