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Book Details

MINIATURE BOOK.. London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1772.1772

London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, 64mo (55 x 30 mm), 24pp., engraved throughout, original pink silk boards, marbled edges, a little rubbed, preserved in the lower portion only of the original marbled slip-case. p1; The Almanac Explained. p2-5; Illustration of The New Excise Office. p6; Common Notes. p7-18; One page per month January to December 1772. p19-20; Table of Kings and Queens Reigns from 1066 to 1772. p21-22; Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of London from 1750 to 1772. p23-24; A table exhibiting the Pound, Shilling and Pence value of Portuguese gold pieces. Each of the Month pages contain the phase of the moon, sunrise and sunset, saint days etc. and the time of high water at London Bridge.

Stock #40859

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