Antiquarian & Secondhand Booksellers

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Book Details

BOOKBINDING. BOOK OF TRADES.. The Book of Trades; or, Circle of the Useful Arts.1837

Glasgow: Printed for Richard Griffin & Co., Second edition, 12mo, xii, 388pp., engraved frontispiece, additional vignette title and 18 plates (foxed as usual), text illustrations, contemporary half calf, marbled boards, rubbed. "it is very concise, with a reference to the use of 'cloth, especially silk and cotton' in place of leather."—Pollard & Potter. Other book art trades covered include: Lithography, Paper-making, Type-Foundry' Letter-Press Printing, Stereotyping, Varieties of Type, The Bookseller, etc. Pollard & Potter, Early Bookbinding Manuals, 99.

Stock #40754

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