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Book Details

[BLOOD (Thomas)]. Remarks on the Life and Death of the Fam'd Mr. Blood: giving an account of his plot in Ireland, to surprise Dublin castle; several transactions in his head-quarters in the city; rescue of Captain Mason at Doncaster; attempt on the person of His Grace the Duke of Ormond; seizing on the crown and scepter in the Tower; coming into favour with his prince; concern about His Grace the Duke of Buckingham; sickness, death, and twice internment.1817

London: Reprinted by G. Smeeton, Small 4to (198 x 155 mm), [2], 34, [2]pp., engraved portrait frontispiece (lightly offset), title printed in red and black, disbound. Reprint of the original edition which was printed by Richard Janeway and published in 1680.

Stock #40639

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