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Book Details

CHRIST'S HOSPITAL, LONDON.. A List of such Governors of Christ's-Hospital, London, As are to Present Children at Easter 1774. Note, Those Gentlemen marked thus * may, if they think proper, present Children whose Parents are not free of the City of London. And those marked + may resent Children whose Parents are both living.1774

London: Printed by Charles Rivington, in Staining-Lane, Printer to Christ's-Hospital, Folio broadside printed on one side only (445 x 335 mm), drop-head title, the names and addresses of 150 governors printed in three columns below the title, lightly creased but in very good condition. A rare survival of this list of Governors of Christ's Hospital, which was founded as a hospital for orphans in 1553, and became a school whose pupils were known as 'Blue Coats' for the colour of their distinctive coats. ESTC locates a handful of these yearly list of which most are known by a single copy, our edition appears to be unrecorded.

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