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Book Details

DOLIS (Antonio de), TOWNSEND (Thomas) Tranlator.. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into the English from the Original Spanish of Don Antonio de Dolis, Secretary and Historiographer to His Catholick Majesty.1724

London: Printed for T. Woodward and J. Hooke, First English edition, folio (345 x 220 mm), [18], 163, [1], 252, 152pp., engraved portrait frontispiece, six engraved plates (of which 2 are folding), 2 engraved maps, unobtrusive small worm track to to prelims diminishing to a single pin hole, frontispiece and title slightly browned, text and plates nice and clean, contemporary full panel calf, a very neat early reback, orig. gilt tooled spine retained, green morocco gilt lettered label. Provenance: Armorial bookplate of William Markham (1760-1815), Becca Lodge, Yorkshire, private secretary to Warren Hastings.

Stock #40270

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