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Book Details

BRANSBY (John). The Use of the Globes: an introduction to astronomy and geography; a description of globes and maps; and a variety of problems performed by the globes, and by calculation; with a Numerous set of Suitable Examples.1791

Ipswich: Printed and sold by J. Bush, First edition, 8vo (178 x 115 mm) x, 216pp., 2 engraved folding plates (slightly foxed), recent red cloth, spine lettered in gilt direct. John Bransby (1762-1837) a native of Ipswich, instrument maker, teacher of astronomy and navigation, land-agent, bookseller, printer and a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. Copsey, 232; ESTC locating 2 copies in the UK (British Library and Cambridge Libraries) and 2 copies in North America (University of Oklahoma and University of Texas at Austin).

Stock #39962

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