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Book Details

SYLVESTER (Charles). The Philosophy of Domestic Economy; as exemplified in the mode of warming, ventilating, washing, drying, & cooking, and in various arrangements contributing to the comfort and convenience of domestic life, adopted in the Derbyshire General Infirmary, and more recently, on a greatly extended scale, in several other public buildings newly erected in this country; Together with an explanation of the principles on which they are performed. The whole illustrated by illustrated by numerous engravings by W. Lowry.1819

Nottingham: Printed by H. Barnett, First edition, 4to (283 x 223 mm), [2], xi, [1], 62pp., erratum slip tipped in after title, engraved frontispiece (slightly offset onto title page) and 10 engraved plates, some light browning, orig. publishers boards, joint on upper board split and holding by cords, spine chipped, uncut. First and only edition of this important work of the Derbyshire Infirmary, giving complete plans of the original building, with details of the hot-air stove, drying closet, roasting oven, and a water-closet. Charles Sylvester, Sheffield born, moved to Derby in 1807 where he began teaching chemistry and mathematics. It was here that he meet his major patron and very good friend William Strutt. They work together on many projects, particularly in the design and implementation of heating and ventilation systems, with this work being the culmination of there collaboration.

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