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Book Details

[DEFOE (Daniel)?]. A Letter from a Member of the House of Commons to his Friend in the Country, Relating to the Bill of Commerce. With a True Copy of the Bill, and an Exact List of all those who voted for and against Engrossing it.1713

London: Printed, and Sold by J. Baker, First edition, 8vo, [2], 46pp., modern marbled boards. This is a copy of the variant printing in two copies examined by Moore, no priority has been established. "The author, who writes as a Tory and Churchman, explains to his friend in the country how Parliament came to make the amazing mistake of rejecting the Bill of Commerce - of which he supplies the text... The arguments brought against the Bill at the Bar of the House by spokesmen for various commercial interests were very easy to refute, and the Dutch would be the real gainers from continued trade barriers against France.... Altogether, though one would not rule out Defoe's authorship, the basis for an ascription to him does not seem very solid." - Furbank and Owens. Moore, 265; Furbank and Owens, Defoe De-Attributions, 265: Kress, 2833; Goldsmith, 5016; Hanson, 1843.

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