Book Details
[BURGOYNE (Montagu)] [PROSPECTUS].. Dedicated by Permission to His Most Gracious Majesty. This day is published, Select Portions of the Psalms, with a Collection of Metrical Versions, by the most approved authors, and adapted to Music arranged and harmonized for one, two, or three voices, by Mr J. Macdonald Harris. The Profits of the Publication will be exclusively applied to the Support of the Infant School, and a School of Industry. Subscriptions received... where the Work may be seen...1826
Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by Thomas and James Hodgson, 4to (400 x 248 mm), single sheet folded as a letter addressed to 'Mr, Charnley, Bookseller, Bigg Market, Newcastle.', seal broken, with a printed list of some of the subscribers so far, inscription on first leaf "Sir I enclose some bills which I request you to circulate adding the names of any new subscribers. Your obed Sir, M Burgoyne, Durham, 16 Nov." slightly creased and dusty at edges. The paper is watermarked "A Cowan & Son Walley Field 1826." The work mentioned was published to two volumes in 1827 with the extra imput of Richard Hebber.
Stock #40084