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Book Details

[CHINESE CERAMICS] NATIONAL PALACE MUSEUM.. Blue-and-White Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 6 Volumes in 7. 1963. [Sold with:] Underglaze Red Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 1963. [Sold with:] Enamelled Ware of the Ming Dynasty. 3 Volumes. 1966. [Sold with:] Blue-and-White Ware of the Ch'ing Dynasty. 2 Volumes. 1968.1963

Kowloon, Hong Kong: Cafa Company Ltd., 13 vols., folio, all volumes profusely illustrated with coloured plates, orig. cloth, all with dust wrappers and slip-cases, a couple of dust wrappers with minor tears or fading. An excellent set of this important reference work on Chinese ceramics.

Stock #39639

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