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Book Details

CHILDREY (Joshua). Britannia Baconica: or, the Natural Rarities of England, Scotland, & Wales. According as they are to be found in every shire. Historically related, according to the precepts of the Lord Bacon; methodically digested; and the causes of many of them philosophically attempted. With observations upon them, and deductions from them, whereby divers secrets in nature are discovered, and some things hitherto reckoned prodigies, are fain to confess the cause whence they proceed. Usefull for all ingenious men for all of what profession or quality soever.1662

London: Printed for the Author, Third edition, 8vo (159 x 95 mm), [30], 184pp., without the initial blank leaf, text browned and spotted, marbled endpapers, nineteenth-century calf, rebacked with the orig. gilt spine laid-down, morocco letter piece, gilt ducal crest of Clumber Park on upper cover. Third edition of this survey of the natural phenomena of Britain according to Baconian principles. Gibson notes that this edition is identical to the two previous, except for the date in imprint on title pages. From the Clumber Park Library. Gibson, 338C; Wing, C3872.

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