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Book Details

[HUTCHINSON (John Hely)]. The Commercial Restraints of Ireland considered in a Series of Letters to a Noble Lord. Containing an Historical Account of the Affairs of that Kingdom, so far as they relate to this Subject.1779

Dublin: Printed by William Hallhead, First edition, xxii, 240pp., library stamp on title and places in the text, early ownership signature on upper blank margin of leaf following the title, 3 folding tables at end (last defective), old water-staining of the tables and last 2 leaves, first and last few leaves chipped at margins, disbound. One of the significant works of it's era advocating free trade for Ireland, written in the form of a sequence of letters to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord Buckinghamshire. However, "its doctrines being regarded as seditious it was ordered to be burnt by the common hangman." - DNB. Bradshaw, 2109; Wagner, 348; Kress, B203; Goldsmith, 11826.

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