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Book Details

[STEVENSON (John)]. Lectures on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Eye and Ear. By Mr. Stevenson, Oculist and Aurist to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, &c.1820

London: Printed by J. Gillet, Broadside printed on one side only (430 x 260 mm), the text below the title gives a quite extensive description of the forthcoming lectures with the imprint at the foot, lightly browned, with several folds, innner margin with a small closed tear and slightly creased. The announcement of an intended course of lectures by Stevenson to be delivered before a Medical and Scientific audience during several consecutive seasons. "The course will commence with an accurate description and demonstration of every part of the complex structure of the Eye and Ear, which will be illustrated by appropriate anatomical preparations and drawings... Terms of attendance, Three Guineas each course; only one of which will be delivered during the season, beginning early in January. Further particulars may be obtained, by applying to Mr. Stevenson, 105, Great Russell-Street." Formerly in the library of the Birmingham Medical Institute with a couple of their neat library stamps on blank verso.

Stock #38080

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