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Book Details

TYPE SPECIMENS. FRY (Edmund, & Son). Specimen of Modern Printing Types, by Edm. Fry & Son, Letter Founders to the King, Type Street, London.1820

London: Barnard and Farley, Royal 8vo (245 x 155 mm), title printed within a heavy border of flowers, followed by 115 leaves of specimens printed on one side only, of which two a folding, some occasional offsetting, cont. cloth-backed boards with wine auction sale particulars pasted over boards, manuscript paper spine label, uncut and partial unopened, an attractive copy. Bigmore & Wyman I, p. 243 mentioning only 1816, 1824 & 1827 editions; B&J citing the Oxford copy; Mosley locating four copies with between 91 and 118 leaves (Oxford, Cambridge, V&A, and Columbia University Library); OCLC adds the Huntington and Detroit copies; none added by JISC; not in the British Library or St Brides Catalogue. Berry & Johnson p. 49; Mosley, 135.

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