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Book Details

TYPE SPECIMENS. FRY, STEELE, AND CO.. A Specimen of Printing Types, By Fry, Steele, and Co. Letter-Founders to the Prince of Wales, Type-Street. [Bound with:] Specimens of Metal Cast Ornaments, Curiously Adjusted to Paper, by Edmund Fry and Isaac Steele...1794

London: Printed by T. Rickaby, 2 Vols., in one, small 4to (260 x 160 mm), 103 leaves including title and two advertisement leaves; 22 leaves including title and advert leaf (ornaments numbered 1-103), all printed on rectos only, printed on thick paper stock, 'Lepard' watermark, orig. boards with marbled covers, printed paper title label to spine (rubbed), inner hinges expertly repaired, a very good uncut copy with wide margins. The Fry's were a Bristol family, and Joseph Fry (1728-87) established the foundry at Bristol in 1764, in partnership with William Pine and Isaac Moore as manager and type-designer. By 1766 the foundry had moved to London, with Moore retiring in 1776 and Pine shortly after. In 1782 Fry took his sons Edmund (especially interested in exotic founts) and Henry into partnership, and made considerable purchases of Greeks and Orientals at the sale of James' foundry. Joseph retired in 1787 and in 1794 Isaac Steele joined as partner until 1808, when Edmund Fry was left in sole control until he admitted his son to partnership. In 1829 the foundry was acquired by William Thorowgood. A very good copy of this extremely rare and substantial specimen book. Berry & Johnson, p. 45; Mosley, 118 & 119.

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