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Book Details

ADAM (William). The Gem of the Peak; or Matlock Bath and its Vicinity. An Account of Derby; A Tour from Derby to Matlock; Excursions to Chatsworth, Haddon, Monsal Dale, Dovedale, Ilam, Alton Towers, Hardwick, Wingfield, Ashbourne, Buxton, and Castleton, Historical and Geological; brief History of the Fluor Spa, from the earliest period, down to the present time; A Review of the Geology of Derbyshire; Catalogue of Minerals and Rocks, and the Flora of the High and Low Peak......1845

London: Longman & Co., Fourth Edition, 8vo, xviii, [4], 438, [8] pp., engraved folding map of Derbyshire detached and with small hole on a fold, folding letterpress map of Intaglios, or Derbyshire Gems, 8 tinted lithograph plates, numerous woodcut illustrations in the text, original embossed cloth, upper cover and spine lettered in gilt, tear on upper hinge, spine faded, uncut, a good copy. Abbey, Scenery, 111.

Stock #38062

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