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Book Details

[CURWEN (John Christian)]. The President's Report to the Workington Agricultural Society. 1819. The Prosperity and Security of Great Britain.1820

London: Printed for John Harding, Agricultural Library, First edition, [2], ii, 93, [1] + 2pp., of adverts, woodcut vignette on title, disbound. John Christian Curwen, M.P. for Carlisle and a member of the House of Keys, was a well known agricultural reformer who founded Workington Agricultural Society which had a branch on the Isle of Man and had a major influence on the development of agriculture both in Cumberland and on the Island. His work in the field of agricultural improvement was important. As a part of the improvements at his home, Workington Hall, he built an entirely new model home farm called Schoose Farm. By his experiments, many conducted on the Workington lands at Schoose Farm he tested the art of farming in all its branches. In this report the proceedings at the Schoose Farm, from the year 1813 to 1819 are given on pp. 36-93.

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