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Book Details

EAST INDIA AFFAIRS.. Papers Presented to the House of Commons, pursuant to their Orders of the 25th and 28th June 1805, relating to East India Affairs. No.1 [and Nos. 2, Supplement No. 3 to no. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14].1805

[London: 13 vols. in one, folio, contemporary half calf, upper joint cracked but holding, rubbed, morocco labels. 1. Copy of a Minute of Sir John Shore,.... late Governor General of Bengal; detailing the measures adopted in Oude, which led to the deposition of Vizier Ally, and placing on the throne the Nabob Saadut Ally,.... [18 other papers], [4], 71, [1] pp. 2. Such Extracts of the Letter from the Governor-General in Council at Bengal,.... as relate to the Continuance of a Part of the Company's Troops in the Territories of the Nabob Vizier at Futtyghur;.... [15 other papers], 44 pp. Supplement 2. to No. 3. Rajars of Sasnee and Bidjeghur, and of Cutchura and Titteah. 271-302 pp. 5. No.6. - Copy of all Communications to the Secret Committee or Court of Directors, by the Governor General; respecting the Nabob Saadut Ally, previous to, or after, the Conclusion of the Treaty of Lucknow in 1801;.... with large folding map, 41, [1] pp. 6. Copy of a Treaty concluded between the Marquis Cornwallis, then Governor General of India, and the late Vizier Afoph ul Dowlah; in 1787.... [7 other papers], 19, [1] pp. 7. Copies and Extracts of such Proceeding of the Governor General in Council, as regard the Claims of Individuals on the late or present Nabob of Oude,.....29, [1] pp. 8. Account of all the Sums of Money which have been paid, by the East India Company, into His Majesty's Exchequer.... [8 other papers], 49, [1] pp. 9. A List of all Pensions payable by the East India Company:- and, a Return of all Sums of Money granted by way of Gratuity,... 13, [1] pp. 10. Copies of Covenants entered into by the Servants of the East India Company; and the Orders issued to their Servants relative to Loans from the same, to the Princes of India and Natives thereof. 20 pp. 11. Copies of Letters from Lord Cornwallis to the Court of Directors and Secret Committee, dated 1st August 1805;.... [2 other copies of letters], 15, [1] pp. 12. Return of the 1st, Order of.... the House of Commons of 18th April 1806, which requires, "Copy of a Treaty between Affuf ul Dowlah and the late Nabob of Furruckabad, and guaranteed by the Marquis Cornwallis, in 1787.", [15 other papers], 30 pp. 13. Extracts of Letters, &c. received from the Presidency of Bombay; relative to the Sum of Bombay Rupees 31,25,944,.... said to be Money lent to the Guicowar., 7, [1] pp. 14. Copies of all Applications to the Court of Directors by any Claimants on the late or present Nabob of Oude, with the Decision of the Court of Directors,.... 7, [1] pp.

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