Book Details
BONAPARTE (Prince Ludovic-Lucian). Catalogue des Ouvrages de Linguistique Européenne Édités par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. [London: Privately Printed by George Barclay, 1858]. Square 12mo (115 x 90 mm), 32ff. printed on recto only, limited to 250 copies, neat blind-stamp to title page, gilt rolled turn-ins, cont. black morocco, tooled in gilt and blind, minor rubbing. [Sold with:] Deuxième Catalogue des Ouvrages Destinés à Faciliter l'Étude Comparative des Langues Européennes, Éités par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. [London: Privately Printed by Strangeways & Walden], 1862. Square 12mo (120 x 95 mm), 110ff. printed on recto only, limited to 250 copies, neat blind-stamp to half-title, gilt rolled turn-ins, cont. black morocco, tooled in gilt and blind, minor rubbing. [Sold with:] Ouvrages Publiés par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte dans le Courrant de l'Année 1864. [London: Privately Printed by Strangeways & Walden, 1864.] 8vo (185 x 125 mm), 4pp., folded, with short tears to fold. [Sold with:] Ouvrages Publiés par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte dans le Courrant de l'Année 1865 et 1866.1862
[London: Privately Printed by Strangeways & Walden, 8vo (185 x 125 mm), 4pp., folded, with short tears to fold. The extremely rare catalogues of works published by Prince Bonaparte, listing 142 titles, apart from 'Ouvrages Sous Presse', each entry gives the number of copies printed, usually 250, and the number printed on special paper.
Stock #37559