Book Details
ARMY LIST.. List of the General and Field-Officers, as they Rank in the Army; of the officers in the several regiments of Horse, Dragoons, and Foot, on the British and Irish establishments, with the dates of their commissions, as they rank in each corps, and as they rank in the army : the Royal Regiment of Artillery, Irish Artillery, Engineers, the Marines, and independent companies : governors, lieutenant-governors, of His Majesty's garrisons at home and abroad, with their allowances, and the officers on half-pay &c. : to which is now added the succession of colonels.1763
London: Printed for J. Millan, 4to, (275 x 195mm), 18, 13-48, 52-91, 93-140, 133-148, 12, [2]pp., LARGE PAPER COPY, in addition there are two final leaves with manuscript additions for the 32 Regiment of Foot and the 36 Regiment of Foot, later half calf, rubbed, lacks spine, covers detached. Annual Army list to November, 1763. The pagination of this book is erratic to say the least: there are no pages 49, 50 or 51, page 52 follows p. 48, from thence onwards to p. 91 (38th Foot) inclusive, all the odd numbers are on the verso side, there is no page 91, page 93 (39th Foot) follows p. 91, and from thence to p. 140 the pagination is normal, a page numbered 133 (70 Companies of Marines) follows p. 140, and this continues to p. 148, thence follows 12 pages (succession of Colonels) and a final leaf (Additions since Printing). It seems the printer who set up this list, must have been a 'Dreamer'. Provenance: ex-ministry of Defence Library. ESTC (N62475) locates a single copy of this edition at the National Archives.
Stock #37657