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[PORTLAND (William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of)]
The Case of His Grace the Duke of Portland, respecting two leases, lately granted by the Lords of the treasury, to Sir James Lowther, bart. With observations on the motion for a remedial bill, for quieting the possession of the subject. And an appendix, consisting of authentic documents.
1768 £25.00
The Attorney's Practice in the Court of Common Pleas: or, an introduction to the knowledge of the practice of that Court,... with variety of useful and curious precedents in English,... By the author of The attorney's practice in the Court of King's Bench.
1741 £125.00
The Attorney's Practice in the Court of King's Bench: or, an introduction to the knowledge of the practice of that Court, as it now stands under the Regulation of several late Acts of Parliament, Rules and Determinations of the said Court: with Variety of useful and curious Precedents in English, settled or drawn by Counsel; and a complete Index to the whole. By a gentleman of the Inner Temple.
1739 £195.00
[SACKVILLE (Lord George)]
A Parallel between the Two Trials of Lord George Sackville, lately published. Pointing out their Difference: With Occasional remarks. In which The Evidence and Matter are compared and canvassed, and a Light thrown upon the Whole process.
1760 £110.00
[SAINT GERMAN (Christopher)]
The Dialogue in English, betweene a Doctor of Divinity, and a Student in the Lawes of England. [with the second Dialogue].
1604 £750.00
[SHARPE (Granville)]
Annual Parliaments, The Ancient and Most Salutary Right of the Commons of Great-Britain. Being an Extract from Sharp's "Declaration of the People's Natural Rights to a Share in the Legislature," printed in 1774, P. 157 to 170. Wherein is shewn, that the Statutes of 4 Edw. III. C. 14. and 36 Edw. III. C. 10. which ordain, "that a Parliament shall be holden every Year once, &c." must necessarily be under-stood to mean, -A new Election of Representatives, "every Year once, and more often if need be."
1780 £45.00
[STEELE (Sir Richard)]
A Letter to the Earl of O----d, concerning the Bill of Peerage. By Sir R-----d S-----le.
1719 £75.00
Ecclesiastical Cases Relating to the Duties and Rights of the Parochial Clergy, Stated and Resolved According to the Principles of Conscience and Law.
1698 £145.00
[TAYLOR (Dr. John)]
A Summary of the Roman Law, Taken from Dr. Taylor's Elements of the Civil Law. To which is Prefixed a Dissertation on Obligation.
1772 £275.00
[TOWNSHEND (Charles)]
A Defence of the Minority in the House of Commons, on the Question Relating to General Warrants.
1764 £45.00
ADDINGTON (Sir William)
An Abridgment [sic] of Penal Statutes, which exhibits at one View, The Offence; the Punishment or Penalty annexed to that Offence; The Mode of Recovering and Application of the Penalty; The Number of Witnesses and Justices necessary to convict the Offender; With a Reference to the Chapter and Section of the enacting Statute. By William Addington, Esq. One of the Magistrates presiding at the Public Office in Bow Street.
1775 £695.00
The Speech of Mr. Phillips, as delivered by him in the Court of Common Pleas, Dublin, n the case of Guthrie versus Sterne, for Adultery.
1816 £45.00
January 2. 1798. MEM.—James Alison, &c. Against John Brown, and Others. H. Clerk A. Blane, W. S. Agent. Memorial for James Alison of Hillhead, and others, Heritors of the Parish of Avondale,---- Pursuers; Against John Brown of Newtoun, and others, Heritors od said Parish,-----Defenders.
1798 £45.00
The Trial of James Stewart in Aucharn in Duror of Appin, for the Murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure, Esq; Factor of His Majesty on the Forfeited estate of Ardshiel: before the Circuit Court of Justiciary held at Inveraray;.... by His Grace the Duke of Argyll [Archibald Campell, third Duke], Lord Justice General, and the Lords Elchies and Kilkerran, Commissioners of Justiciary.
1753 £495.00
AUBREY (Sir John)
Speech of Sir John Aubrey in the House of Commons on Monday Night, 22d of December, 1788.
1788 £395.00
AZUNI (Domenico Alberto)
Systême Universel de Principes du Droit Maritime de l'Europe... Traduit de l'Italien, avec des additions du même auteur.
1797 £845.00
BALTIMORE (Frederick Calvert) Baron
The Trial of Frederick Calvert, Esq; Baron of Baltimore [Maryland, America] in the Kingdom of Ireland, for a Rape on the Body of Sarah Woodcock; and of Eliz. Griffinburg, and Anne Harvey, otherwise Darby, as Accessories before the Fact, for procuring, aiding, and abetting him in committing the said Rape. At the Assizes held at Kingston, for the County of Surry, on Saturday the 26th of March 1768. Before..... Sir Sydney Stafford Smythe,.... Published by Permission of the Judge. Taken in Short-Hand by Joseph Gurney.
1768 £375.00
Trail of Mr. John Barnet, at the Durham Spring Assizes, February 26, 1830, Before Sir James Allan Park, on a Charge of Forging a Codicil to the Will of the late John Marley, of Dunston Lodge, in the County of Durham; including copies of the Will and Codicil, with Fac-simlies of the Signatures to each, and a copy of the Will of the late Rev. John Barnet. Also, of several letters written by the late Reverend John Barnet, senior, to General Marley, in India.
1830 £145.00
Port of Basrah. Port Rules & By-Laws, 1936. And Quarantine Regulations No. 54 of 1935. Any Person convicted of having wilfully or wrongfully committed a breach of any Port Rule or By-Law made by the Port Director.... shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding I.D. 112/500 or three months imprisonment or both. The attention of Masters of Oil Tank Vessels is specially drawn to Parts X1 & X1V.
1936 £125.00
BEAWES (Wyndham)
Lex Mercatoria Rediviva: or, the merchant's directory. Being a complete guide to all men in business, Whether AS Traders, Remitters, Owners, Freighters, Captains, Insurers, Brokers, Factors, Supercargoes, Agents. Containing an account of our trading companies and colonies, with their Establishments, and an Abstract of their Charters; the duty of consuls, and the Laws subsisting about Aliens, Naturalization and Denization.
1761 £195.00
BIRD (James Barry)
An Assistant to the Practice of Conveyancing; containing Indexes or References to the several Deeds, Agreements, and other Assurances comprised in the several Precedent Books of authority now in print. From the Time of Sir Orlando Bridgman to the present Period. With Short Remarks on the Distinguished Qualities of each Precedent; and Cursory Observations on the Peculiar Merit of the Conveyancers by whom they were respectively prepared.
1796 £95.00
BOHUN (William)
Declarations and Pleadings in the most usual Actions brought in the several Courts of King's-Bench and Common Pleas at Westminster, viz. In Actions of {Scandal of Peers..... Slander of Common Persons.... Account against Bailiffs,.... Debt on Bonds,..... Ejectment of Manors,.... also (Incidently) shewing the Forms of Proceedings as well in the Petty Bag-Office in Chancery, as in Corporation Courts, &c.
1733 £195.00
The Suggested Medico-Ethical Code of the British Medical Association. [Private and Confidential.]
1877 £20.00
BROWNLOW (Richard)
Writs Judiciall, shewing the Formes, Nature, and Entries of all manner of Executions, in Reall, Personall, and Mixt Actions, as they are now used in the Court of Common Pleas: Together with many other Judiciall Transactions; as by scire facias, &c. in order to Execution.... Whereunto is added, A Collection of the Formes both of Judiciall, and other Special Writs, belonging to the Practice of the Court of Upper Bench: Extracted out of the diverse Ancient and Learned Clerks of that Court: Usefull for all Clerks, Attorneys, and others, both Practisers and Students of the Law. With Two exact Tables, wherein may be found the Principall Matters therein contained.
1653 £350.00
BROWNLOW (Richard)
Writs Judiciall, shewing the Formes, Nature, and Entries of all manner of Executions, in Reall, Personall, and Mixt Actions, as they are now used in the Court of Common Pleas: Together with many other Judiciall Transactions; as by scire facias, &c. in order to Execution.... Whereunto is added, A Collection of the Formes both of Judiciall, and other Special Writs, belonging to the Practice of the Court of Upper Bench: Extracted out of the diverse Ancient and Learned Clerks of that Court: Usefull for all Clerks, Attorneys, and others, both Practisers and Students of the Law. With Two exact Tables, wherein may be found the Principall Matters therein contained.
1653 £350.00

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