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Author Title Year Price
[GALLOWAY (Honorary Colonel Thomas L.)]
The Queen's Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry 1848 to 1948.
1948 £75.00
The Annals of the Twelfth East Suffolk Regiment. By C. H. G.
1908 £40.00
[GODWIN (William)]
The History of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham.
1783 £295.00
[GORDON (George)]
Collectanea for a Flora of Moray; or, A List of the Phaenogamous Plants and Ferns Hitherto Found within the Province.
1839 £110.00
[GUTHRIE (Lord & Others)]
Charles Edward Green.
1920 £20.00
[HARBIN (George]
The Hereditary Right of the Crown of England asserted; the History of the Succession since the Conquest clear'd; and the true English Constitution vindicated from the Misrepresentations of Dr. Higden's View and Defence. Wherein some Mistakes also of our Common Historians are rectify'd;...... By a Gentleman.
1713 £375.00
[HERON (John)]
[Two works bound in one.] An Account of the Donations to the Parish of Newark upon Trent, in the County of Nottingham. By a Parishioner. London: Printed for the Use of the Parishioners, 1748. First edition, vii, [1], 80pp. [Bound with:] Churchwardens. An Address to the Parishioners of Newark upon Trent.
1748 £195.00
[HOVENDEN (Robert)]
Genealogical Memoranda Relating to the Family of Hovenden. Privately Printed. Part I [all published].
1872 £45.00
[HOWITT (William) & (Mary)]
The Ruined Castles of North Wales. With Photograpic Illustrations by Bedford, Sedgfield and Ambrose.
1929 £145.00
[KELLY (George)]
The Speech of Mr. George Kelly. Spoke at the bar of the House of Lords, on Thursday, the 2d of May, 1723. In his defence against the bill then depending, for inflicting pains and penalties upon him.
1723 £30.00
[MACDONELL (Alexander R.)]
Vindication of the "Clanronald or Glengary" against the attacks made upon them in the Inverness Journal [by A. R. Macdonell] and some recent printed Performances. With remarks as to the descent of the Family who style themselves "Of Clanronald." [with an appendix].
1821 £85.00
[MAGNAN (Dominique)]
Calcografia della Colonna Antonina Divisa in 150 Tavole... Parte I [-III].
1779 £750.00
[PIERSON (Ernest)]
The Story of the Church of S. Guthlac of Stathern.
1900 £20.00
[PULTENEY (William)]
The conduct of the late and present m-------ry compared. With an Impartial Review of Public Transactions since the Resignation of the Right Honourable the Earl of Orford; and of the Causes that immediately effected the same. To which is added, Remarks on the Farther Report of a certain Committee. In a Letter to a Friend.
1742 £35.00
[ROSCOE (William)]
A Review of Mr. Roscoe's considerations on the causes of the present war, and the Expediency of a Peace with France.
1808 £30.00
[SALISBURY (William)]
A Catalogue of the Brompton Botanic Garden, being a List of such Plants as are cultivated therein. To which is added, a List of the Subscribers. Part I. containing hardy Plants. [all published].
1803 £495.00
Essai sur le Systeme Militaire de Bonaparte, suivi d'une courte notice sur la Révolution française, et le couronnement de sa majesté corse, par C.H.S.
1810 £35.00
[SHEPHERD (W.R.)], Editor.
The Benedictines of Caldey Island (formerly of Painsthorpe, York) containing the history, purpose, method, and summary of the Rule of the Benedictines of the Isle of Caldey, S. Wales.
1907 £45.00
[SHERLOCK (Hester)?]
A Second Letter to a Gentleman of the Long Robe in Great Britain; wherein some of the late Illegal Proceedings of the Barons of the Exchequer, in the Kingdom of Ireland, are Plainly and impartially set forth.
1720 £120.00
[STANNARD (Eaton)]
The Honest Man's Speech.
1749 £85.00
[SYKES (Arthur Ashley)]
An Answer to the Nonjurors Charge of Schism upon the Church of England.
1716 £45.00
[Thomas Pelham Holles, Duke of Newcastle, and the Right Hon. Henry Pelham].
A Letter to the Author of an Examination of the Principles; and an enqury [sic] into the conduct of the two b-rs: in which is proved, by indisputable facts of foreign transactions, that the two b--rs are true guardians to these kingdoms;... and are therefore falsly accused by the said letter writer.
1749 £50.00
[TINDAL (Matthew)]
New High-Church turn'd old Presbyterian. Utrum horum never a barrel the better herring.
1709 £20.00
[WELDON (Anthony)]
The Court and Character of King James, Written and Taken by Sir A. W. Being and Eye, and Eare Witness.
1817 £60.00
[WHEATLEY Major J. M.)]
History of the Dorsetshire Regiment, 1914-1919 [Part I: The Regular Battalions Part II: The Territorial Battalions Part III: The Service Battalions.]
1932 £125.00

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