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Author Title Year Price
[PORTLAND (William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke)]
A Defence of some Proceedings lately depending in Parliament To render more effectual The Act for quieting the Possession of the Subject, commonly called the Nullum Tempus Act. With an appendix, Containing an Affidavit in the Court of Exchequer, concerning a Spoliation which has happened among the public Records relative to the Title of certain Estates belonging to the Duke of Portland, lately granted by the Lords of the Treasury to Sir James Lowther.
1771 £145.00
[PORTLAND (William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of)]
The Case of His Grace the Duke of Portland, respecting two leases, lately granted by the Lords of the treasury, to Sir James Lowther, bart. With observations on the motion for a remedial bill, for quieting the possession of the subject. And an appendix, consisting of authentic documents.
1768 £25.00
[PRICE (Joseph)]
A Letter to Edmund Burke, Esq; On the latter Part of the late Report of the Select Committee of the State of Justice in Bengal. With some curious Particulars and original Anecdotes concerning the Forgery committed by Maha Rajah Nundcomar Bahadar, on the proof of which he lost his life. Together with some remarks on the Conduct of the Majority of the Civil Government at that time in Fort William, Bengal, proper and necessary to be perused and duly weighed by every Member of both Houses of Parliament, before they proceeded to determine on the Evidence given up in the first Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons.
1782 £165.00
[PULTENAY (William)]
The Politicks on Both Sides, with Regard to Foreign Affairs, stated from their own writings, and examined by the Course of Events. With Observations on the Present State of Affairs in Great Britain, and the Effects of out Negociations, for several Years past.
1734 £50.00
[PULTENEY (William, Earl of Bath)]
A review of the excise-scheme; in answer to a pamphlet, intitled The rise and fall of the late projected excise, impartially considered. With Some Proper Hints to the electors of Great Britain.
1733 £65.00
A complete investigation of Mr. Eden's Treaty, as it may affect the commerce, the revenue, or the general policy of Great Britain.
1787 £65.00
A complete investigation of Mr. Eden's Treaty, as it may affect the commerce, the revenue, or the general policy of Great Britain.
1787 £65.00
A complete investigation of Mr. Eden's Treaty, as it may affect the commerce, the revenue, or the general policy of Great Britain.
1787 £65.00
[SINCLAIR (Sir John)]
Hints Respecting the Culture and the use of Potatoes.
1795 £325.00
[SOMERVILLE (John Southey Somerville, Baron)]
Facts and Observations Relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen: in which the importance of improving the short-wooled breeds of sheep, by a mixture of the merino blood, is demonstrated from actual practice: Together with some remarks on the advantages which have been derived to the author's flock from the use of salt / by John, Lord Somerville.
1809 £225.00
[SOMERVILLE (John Southey Somerville, Baron)]
Facts and Observations Relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen: in which the importance of improving the short-wooled breeds of sheep, by a mixture of the merino blood, is demonstrated from actual practice: Together with some remarks on the advantages which have been derived to the author's flock from the use of salt / by John, Lord Somerville.
1809 £225.00
[WALPOLE (Robert, Earl of Orford)]
Some considerations concerning the publick funds, the publick revenues, and the annual supplies, granted by Parliament. Occasion'd by a late Pamphlet, intitled, An enquiry into the conduct of our domestick affairs, from the Year 1721, to Christmas 1733.
1735 £20.00
[WEBBER (Samuel)]
A Short Account of the State of our Woollen Manufacturies, from the Peace of Ryswick to this Time. Shewing, their Former Flourishing, and their Present Ruinous Condition; and that they always flourished when France could not get our Wool, but declined in Proportion to the Quantities of Wool Exported to them. To which is added an Effectual Scheme to prevent the Exportation of our Wool, by an Universal Registry.
1739 £125.00
[WEBSTER (William)]
The Consequences of Trade, as to the Wealth and Strength of any Nation; of the Woollen Trade in Particular, and the Great Superiority of it over all other Branches of Trade... The Danger we are in of becoming a Province to France, unless an Effectual and Immediate Stop be put to the Exportation of our Wool... By a Draper of London.
1740 £45.00
[WHITWORTH (Sir Charles)]
A Collection of the Supplies, and Ways and Means, from the Revolution to the Present Time. By a Member of Parliament.
1763 £110.00
[WISE (Thomas)]
An Apology for the Business of Pawn-Broking. By a Pawn Broker.
1744 £745.00
[WITHERS (John)]
The Dutch better Friends than the French to the Monarchy, Church, and Trade of England. In a Letter from a Citizen, to a Country Gentleman.
1713 £50.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
The Farmer's Letters to the People of England: containing the sentiments of a practical husbandman, on various subjects of great Importance: Particularly The Exportation of Corn. The Balance of Agriculture and Manufactures. The present State of Husbandry. The Circumstances attending large and small Farms The present state of the Poor. The Prices of Provisions. The Proceedings of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. The Importance of Timber and Planting. Emigrations to the Colonies. The Means of promoting the Agriculture and Population of Great-Britain, &c. To which are added, Sylv?: or, occasional tracts on husbandry and rural oeconomics.
1768 £175.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
General View of the Agriculture of Hertfordshire. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and internal improvement.
1804 £110.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Lincoln; Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1808 £125.00
[YOUNG (Arthur)]
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Suffolk; Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1804 £145.00
The Aberdeen Farmer's Pocket Companion: or, a New Prognostication, Improved and Enlarged. For the Year of our Lord 1799 [1800; 1801; 1802; 1806; 1808]; Being the third after Leap-Year. Containing, A Chronological Table of remarkable events—Vulgar notes—Feasts and Fasts—Eclipses—Rising and setting of the sun—Length of the days and nights—Age and changes of the moon—Disposition of the weather—The whole known Fairs in Scotland—Royal Navy of Great Britain—Royal Family.
1799 £575.00
Remarks upon the second part of Principles Political and Religious; being intended, as a Supplement to the Letter from Aberdeen, in Answer to Norman Sievwright, A. M. Minister of the authorised Congregation in Brechin.
1768 £75.00
Historical Accounting Literature. A Catalogue of the Collection of Early Works on Book-keeping and Accounting in the Library of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Together with a Bibliography of Literature on the Subject Published before 1750 and not in the Institute Library.
1979 £40.00
A Report of the State of Ackworth School. Yearly Meeting.
1799 £85.00

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