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Author Title Year Price
ALTHAUS (Julius)
Cases Treated by Faradisation.
1861 £42.00
ALTHAUS (Julius)
Further Observations on the Electrolytic Dispersion of Tumours, Being a Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association at Edinburgh, August, 1875.
1879 £75.00
ALTHAUS (Julius)
On Poisoning by Diseased Pork. Being an Essay on Trichinosis, or Flesh-Worm Disease: its Prevention and Cure.
1864 £48.00
ALTHAUS (Julius)
Progressive Locomotor Ataxy: Its Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
1866 £30.00
Anesthésie Locale.
1859 £25.00
ANATOMY. OAKES (Thomas Verney)
Duæ dissertationes in publicis scholis Cantabrigiæ habitæ I. Praxi medicinæ non est apprime necessaria scientia anatomica. II. Foetuum deformitates non oriuntur ab imaginatione prægnantis. Quibus subjungitur florilegium medicum sive excerpta quædam ex Hippocrate Græcè, cum novâ Latinâ versione, notis quibusdam additis et emendationibus propositis. A Thoma Okes, M.D. Cantab.
1770 £35.00
ANDERSON (Dr. M'call)
Address on the Treatment of Pulmonary Consumption delivered at the Glasgow Pathological and Clinical Society, 14th November, 1882with a note of a visit to Davos-Platz.
1883 £45.00
A Case of Aneurism of the Aorta Perforating the Pulmonary Artery. [Reprinted from the "Glasgow Medical Journal" for October, 1888.]
1888 £25.00
The Morphology of the Muscles of the Tongue and Pharynx.
1881 £25.00
The Morphology of the Omohyoid Muscle. [Offprint from the 'Dublin Journal of Medical Science', August, 1881.]
1881 £35.00
Observations on the Thickness of the Human Skull. [Offprint from the 'Dublin Journal of Medical Science', October, 1882.]
1882 £32.00
ANDERSON (Richard John)
Note on Apnoea and Heat Dyspnoea.
1880 £48.00
ANDERSON (Richard John)
Respiratory Excitation and Depression.
1880 £60.00
Considerations on Bilious Diseases: and some particular affections of the Liver, and the Gall Bladder.
1790 £85.00
ANDREWS (Magnus Whittern)
Practical Observations on the Application of Lunar Caustic to Strictures in the Urethra; illustrated by cases proving the permanency of the cure by that treatment, to which are added some remarks on its use in strictures of the oesophagus.
1827 £65.00
ANGER (Benjamin)
Traité Iconographique des Maladies Chirurgicales. Précédé d'une Introduction par M. Velpeau. Dessins d'après nature, par MM. Bion, Léveillé et Beau.
1865 £1200.00
ARNOTT (James)
On the Treatment of Cancer, by the Regulated Application of an Anaesthetic Temperature.
1851 £38.00
ARNOTT (James)
Practical Illustrations of the Treatment of the Principal Varieties of Headach by the local application of benumbing cold : with remarks on the remedial and anaesthetic uses of congelation in diseases of the skin and surgical operations.
1849 £45.00
ASH (John)
Oratio anniversaria in theatro Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensium, ex Harveii instituto habita, A.D. M.DCC.XC. Festo divi lucæ, a Joanne Ash, M.D. Coll. Reg. Med. Lond. Soc. R. et S.A. Socio.
1790 £95.00
ATHILL (Samuel Byam)
Exercitatio Therapeutica, exhibens observationes quasdam de usu aquae frigidae externo. Quam, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S.S.T.P. academiæ Edinburgenæ præfecti, nec non amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicæ decreto, pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus et privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Samuel Byam at Hill, antiguensis, Societæ Medicae Edinensis socius. Ad diem 12. Septembris, hora loca que solitis.
1778 £30.00
AVELING (James Hobson)
On Nidation in the Human Female. Reprinted from the 'Obstetrical Journal' for July, 1874.
1874 £25.00
BAETA (Henrique Xavier)
Comparative View of the Theories and Practice of Drs. Cullen, Brown, and Darwin, in the Treatment of Fever, and of Acute Rheumatism.
1800 £85.00
Catalogue des Livres de Medecine Chirurgie, Anatomie, Physiologie, Histoire Naturelle, Physique, Chimie, Pharmacie / qui se Trouvent chez J.-B. Baillière, Libraire de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine...
1852 £24.00
BAKER (W. Morrant)
On Necrosis without Suppuration: with a case of intra-osseous necrosis of the femur without suppuration, for which amputation at the hip-joint was performed.
1877 £45.00
BALDING (Mortimer)
Hydatid Disease of the Liver: Its Diagnosis and Treatment.
1880 £45.00

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