Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
Bibliotheca Erasmiana. Répertoire des Oeuvres d'Érasme. 1re Série: Liste Sommaire et Provisoie des Diverses Éditions de ses Oeuvres. 2e Série: Auteurs Publiés, Traduits ou Annotés par Erasme. Liste Sommaire et Provisoire. 3e Série: Sources. Biographies d'Erasme et Écrits le Concernant; Ouvrages qui Contiennent des Notes d'Erasme, des Extraits de ses Oeuvres, etc.
1893 |
£38.00 |
Ordine Della Solennissima Processione Fatta dal Sommo Pontifice Nell'alma Citta di Roma. Per la Seliciffima noua della Destruttione della setta Vgonotana. Photoliothograph od this Most Rare Pamphlet, Printed in Rome in 1572... With an Introduction by Edward W.B. Nicholson.
1891 |
£20.00 |
FARMER (John S.) Editor.
Hickscorner [c. 1497-1512]. The Tudor Facsimile Texts.
1908 |
£75.00 |
Alde Manuce et l'Hellénisme a Venise.
1875 |
£125.00 |
The Printed Book of the Renaissance. Three Lectures on Type, Illustration, Ornament.
1950 |
£18.00 |
A Bibliographical Sketch of the Aldine Press at Venice, Forming a Catalogue of all Works Issued by Aldus and his Successors, from 1494 to 1597, and a List of all Known Forgeries or Imitations...
1887 |
£70.00 |
A Bibliographical Sketch of the Aldine Press at Venice, Forming a Catalogue of all Works Issued by Aldus and his Successors, from 1494 to 1597, and a List of all Known Forgeries or Imitations...
1887 |
£110.00 |
A Short Title Catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese Books 1601-1700 in the Library of the British Museum.
1974 |
£10.00 |
GOLLOB (Hedwig)
Der Wiener Holzschnitt in den Jahren von 1490 bis 1550. Seine Bedeutung fur die Nordische Kunst Seine Entwicklung, seine Blute und Seine Meister. Zusammengestellt und Beschrieben von Hedwig Gollob.
1926 |
£35.00 |
HAEBLER (Konrad)
Spanische und Portugiesische Bücherzeichen des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts.
1898 |
£145.00 |
HELLER (Joseph)
Geschichte der Holzschneidekunst von den ältesten bis auf des neuesten Zeiten, nebst zwei Beilagen, enthaltend den Ursprung der Spielfarten and en Berzeichniß der sämmtlichen xylographischen Werke.
1823 |
£135.00 |
HERBRÜGGEN (Hubertus Schulte)
Unbekannte Einbäande aus William Caxton Werkstatt. Sonerdruck aus: Festschrift für Edgar Mertner.
1969 |
£25.00 |
Herodian of Syria and Zosimus. [Greek Title:] Herodiani Histor. Lib. VIII. Cum Angeli Politiani Interpretatione, & Huius Partim Supplemento, Partim Examine Henrici Stephani: Utroque Margini Adscriptio. Eiusdem Henrici Stephani Emendationes Quorundam Græci Contextus Locorum, & Quorundum Expositiones. Historiarum Herodianicas Subsequentium Libri Duo, Nunc Primum Græci Editi.
1581 |
£695.00 |
HODNETT (Edward)
English Woodcuts 1480-1535.
1935 |
£20.00 |
HODNETT (Edward)
English Woodcuts 1480-1535.
1935 |
£25.00 |
HOPTON (Arthur)
A Concordancy of Yeares. Containing a new, easie, and most exact computation of time, according to the English account. Also the vse of the English and Roman kalender, with briefe notes, rules, and tables, as well mathematicall and legal, as vulgar, for each priuate mans occasion. Newly composed, digested, and augmented by Arthur Hopton, Gentleman. The contents follow after the epistles.
1615 |
£650.00 |
Catalogus librorum sedecimo saeculo impressorum, qui in Bibliotheca Nationali Hungariae Széchényiana asservantureditiones non Hungarice et extra Hungariam impressae / Az Országos Széchényi Konyvtár 16. századi nyomtatványainak katalógusa : nem magyar nyelvu, kulfoldi kiadvańyok.
1990 |
£145.00 |
Katalog Frühester Erzeugnisse der Druckerkunst der T. O. Weigel'schen Sammlung. Zeugdrucke, Metallschnitte, Holzschnitte, Xylographische Werke, Spielkarten, Schrotblätter, Teigdrucke, Kupferstiche, Typographische Werke (Horae etc). Auszug aus dem Werke: Die Anfänge der Druckerkunst von T. O. Weigel und A. Zestermann. Die Versteigerung dieser Sammlung beginnt am 27. Mai 1872 im Weigel'schen Auctionslocale.
1872 |
£75.00 |
JOHNSON (Alfred Forbes) Selected by.
German Renaissance Title-Borders. Facsimiles and Illustrations No. I.
1929 |
£18.00 |
JONES (George W.)
Some Books from the Library of George W. Jones Formerly at Monkbarns, Northwood.
1937 |
£295.00 |
Le court leete et court baron collect per Iohn Kitchin de Graies Inne vn Apprentice in Ley. Et les cases & matters necessaries pur seneschals de ceux courts a scier, & pur les students de les measons del Chauncerie.
1613 |
£495.00 |
LE ROUX DE LINCY (Antoine J. V.)
Researches Concerning Jean Grolier, his Life and his Library. With a Partial Catalogue of his Books by A.-J.-V. Le Roux de Lincy. Edited by Baron Roger Portalis, Translated and Revised by Carolyn Shipman.
1907 |
£245.00 |
LICHTENBERGER (Johann Friedrich)
Initia Typographica.
1811 |
£165.00 |
LOWRY (Martin)
Nicholas Jenson and the Rise of Venetian Publishing in Renaissance Europe.
1991 |
£145.00 |
The assemble of goddes by John Lydgate. Printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde about the year 1500.
1906 |
£65.00 |